Many people think little of the spice kitchen called garlic. They only think garlic is just for flavor our sense cookery course. But who suspected that garlic contains a lot of property that is not known some people. Savor garlic are:
1. Prevent brain deterioration and immune system
2. Helps prevent penuaan process. Prevent the growth of cancer cells.
3. Consume with garlic, is exposed to the risk of cancer could be reduced.
4. Garlic consumed regularly in a certain period of time can help lower cholesterol level.
5. Anti-cholesterol substance in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clotting.
6. Garlic can help ease stress, fear, and depression.
7. With a more delicate effect. Garlic contain vitamin A.
8. Garlic contain vitamin B.
9. Garlic contain vitamin C.
10. Garlic contains calcium.
11. Garlic contains potasium
12. Garlic contain antioxidants. Garlic contains selenium and karoten
13. Mengonsumsi 2-3 cloves of garlic a day, will be avoiding the possibility of heart.
14. Cure high blood pressure
15. Tukak relieve stomach
16. Lower cholesterol in the blood
17. Increase blood insulin for diabetics.
18. Disable free radicals that disrupt the body's immune system
19. Useful as a bidder poison (detoxifier), which protect the body from various diseases.
20. Helping add appetite when eaten raw
21. Maintain stamina body
22. Contains property antimikroba, antitrombotik, hipolipidemik, antiarthritis, hipoglikemik, and also has antivitas as antitumor.