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04 March 2009

How to Reduce Stress

You are now probably in the saturated conditions and high stress levels, so that does not make comfortable. Attempting to make peace with the stress certainly difficult, but continue to wallow in the torment of your life. Here's how merilekskan right away so that your life back color, as quoted from Discovery Health.

Respiratory training

If the conditions are in a batch does not fit due to problems, you can perform routine respiratory practice. This can make the mind clear again and make the body become more healthy. How, take a position to sit or lie down while the cross hands to shoulder. Pull-in in the breath until you feel the air into the lungs. Then, remove it slowly. Do respiratory exercises 5-20 minutes.

Relaxation therapy

In merilekskan musculature is tense, you can do relaxation therapy, such as yoga, at home or fitness center that offers the program. If you do so at home, attach music rhythmic quiet location and search the house quietly so that the heart is quiet follow-up.

Shoulder movement

Another way to drive with both your shoulder to the front and back alternately. Iringi exercise your music with the calm.

Discard bad thoughts

Rileks not only be measured with a healthy body. To be able rileks, you also need a clear mind. Dispose of all bad thoughts and replace with positive thoughts in view of a case. For example, you can remember the fun when paired memory poems of love to give a date when the first.

Distributes the art

Art is a form of expression of the soul and feelings. Rilekskan body and mind you do activities with the appropriate hobbies and interests, such as join a music club.

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