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26 January 2009

All of chocolate spa

"Cokelat is good for the skin, making skin more healthy also feel more smooth, soft and fragrant," a woman who also has a salon in this area Mampang. Chocolate indeed contain the polyphenol antioxidants, which is also found in the fruits, vegetables, and red wine. In terms of health, antioxidants is able to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. In terms of beauty, polyphenol help delay early penuaan. In addition, chocolate is also rich in vitamins A and E are very important for the improvement of skin cells, skin rejuvenation, and facilitate the circulation of blood. From outside, all the benefits of this makes the skin look more fresh and soft, and makes the skin of a sweet chocolate tempt.

Chocolate Salon & Spa embrace all of these benefits in the treatment complete package consisting of a massage, lulur, masks, bath chocolate, chocolate and hair spa. As a bonus, customers who come will be given a welcome drink hot chocolate drink and a delicious calm your mind.

For treatment, first, scrubbing therapeutist will do to the whole body with the use chocolate that is not only heavily legit, also rich in cocoa butter, fat from plants that cocoa beans. Cocoa butter has smooth benefits, reduce stretch marks, lines fine wrinkling, and improve skin elasticity. The coarse grain can help scrub the dirt and dead skin cells, leaving a layer of skin fresh and soft underneath.

The second step, conducted body massage using essential oils of chocolate. In this stage, the massage is done therapeutist able to make the body become rileks, release the tension after the day beraktivitas. While the send a signal to calm the brain.

Give commands to rileks and make the brain release hormones phenethylamine and serotonine stimulate feelings of happiness and reduce stress. This essential oil also contains antioxidants that work to reduce skin damage due to air pollution.

After rileks body, then made masks and chocolate brown bath that makes the skin more than the fine, also makes the body of sweet chocolate nan. Well, as a finishing touch, a moisturizer that chocolate not only smooth skin, also spread chocolate fragrant aroma claimed Dewi can survive up to three days.
Finally, they also offer hairspa with a chocolate base material can be trusted to make the hair shaft stronger, healthier, and of course of chocolate.

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Seaweed Eliminate Toxic

Seaweed is very good for the skin, so often used to maintain and smooth skin, helps the formation of new skin cells, offset mineral content in the body, and eliminate poisons in the body (detoxification).

"This is because in the seaweed containing salt minerals, protein, and zinc," said manager Wellness Center & Spa Sarinah Made Sari.

Besides, he added, seaweed also contain many vitamins A, C, B1, B12, E, PP, K, and vitamin D. Nah, catenarian vitamin can help you to activate the new skin cells, also maintain the body's metabolism to tighten skin.

According to him, seaweed is one of the material wealth of the sea that is easy to be merged into the skin so that helps the formation of skin. "In fact, seaweed is also good for your hair health lho," Sari supplement.

For women who have problems with obesity or excess body weight, the seaweed spa treatment can also be relied upon to process slim and maintain the balance of minerals in the body. You do not need to make strict diet or even just a hunger for getting a more slender body. Despite heavy shrink, your skin will still be tight.

The process of decline in body weight, such as this would better to keep your health. "With this spa seaweed, other than the body can get a slim, you can also get skin healthy also," said Mrs. Sari .

Spa seaweed process begins with the pemijatan body. "The body first massaged with a mixture of olive oil so that the body feels more casual and rileks," said Mrs. Sari.

Your body was tense, after a long time will feel more comfortable and rileks. This is because the blood circulation in the body flow more smoothly, so feel tired body feels like a moment lost. "This new massage course," augment him. Then, the body seaweed mask.

After maskernya dry, the body covered with a heating blanket. Its function is to remove poisons from the body through sweat that out. Heat has been setting the standard. "To people who are used to, generally happy with the feeling of heat.

Meanwhile, for which new or not the first time, usually 10 minutes already and does not feel too strong. But the process with the heating blanket is the same as good sauna loh, "said a therapeutist in the spa.
The process is finally berendam in a bathtub filled with warm water and sowing rose sheath.

Spa seaweed this takes 90 minutes. If you feel the rest of you less than 90 minutes, this therapy you can still enjoy the process by reducing the amount of therapy.

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25 January 2009

Beautiful Skin Body Scrub with Lemon

Eat citrus lemon in the middle of the day intenseness nan, of refreshing. But, you know that the benefits of orange lemon as a source of vitamin C was in the thick of the skin. Orange lemon skin collagen have any good, other than the B vitamins and vitamin E to prevent penuaan early.

According to dr Mimin Sulistyowati, a doctor from the beauty Amrita Antiaging Center, Jakarta, natural materials, such as carrots, cucumber, lime lemon, and avocado can be used for the treatment of scrub because many contain antioxidants.

"Take advantage of fresh orange peel lemon flavor to enhance your skin. Steps, prepare materials that ordinary scrubs sold in the market, water perasan citrus lemon, and grated orange peel rough lemon. Select a suitable aroma scrub with lemon citrus aroma. Then all the material to be mixed one, "she said.

Not just stop there, dr Mimin added, should not need to add honey and milk, because the nomination will be difficult to scrub. Milk is the fragrance that is less fit. Then, slowly wipe lemon to scrub the entire body. Akan feel more if rileks before scrubbing body massage with olive oil for 30 minutes. After that, the body with clean warm water.

"The rest of you can store the scrub in the refrigerator. Closed meeting venue scrubs and guard not to have direct contact with dirty hands, so it does not infected bacteria and germs. With the right storage, lemon scrub can survive about two weeks," while dr Mimin add this treatment should be done two weeks.

Connecting a statement from Mimin, Sri MULYATI, part of the marketing, promotion and Operations-Bale Bale Spa, Jakarta, inform, nursing scrubs lemon nutritious also improve skin elasticity and detoxification, improving skin layer, the substance antibakteri, reduce wrinkle and fine oldest early , and so nutritions more luminous skin, and lightening skin.

"Remember that the grain lemon scrub quite rough, so that lifting the dead skin will be very effective. However, for those who do not normally do this treatment, you should experiment with materials that have a scrub fine grain, such as avocado or green tea," his him.

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22 January 2009

Prevent Cancer with 3 tea cup day

Based on the results of research studies Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention in the United States, as much as 73 percent of women aged under 50 years of tea more than three cups a day suppressed the risk of cancer.

Intensity in the breast cancer ward because of this, both the regular and green tea contains substances called catechins. This substance is able to protect you from the threat of cancer.

However, the results of this research does not apply to women who are over 50 years. Mentioned, tea is not able to protect women aged over 50 years from the threat of breast cancer.

Just a note, dehydration can also appeared to be one of the trigger breast cancer.

So, start against breast cancer that scary not only for the Eve of course, but also of Adam. Noted, each year in the UK as many as 41,000 women and 300 men diagnosed as much suffering from cancer.

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18 January 2009

Prevent Kidney Damage

Basically, according to Budiman, high blood pressure (hypertension) is a big problem, not only in Western countries, also in Indonesia. If not solved, high blood pressure will cause the heart to work harder at a time will be any serious damage occurred.

Hypertension causes the heart muscle will be thick (hipertrofi) and lead to its function as a service to be disrupted, the heart will further decrease the ability contraction. In addition to the heart, high blood pressure can cause damage to blood vessel in the brain, eyes (retinopati) and renal (kidney failure).
Most cases of hypertension therapy is not definitive, but can be controlled with the pattern of living healthy and make the appropriate treatment process.

The main function of kidney as remnant metabolism and keep the balance of fluid and electrolyte or salt body through urine. Kidneys also produce hormones that affect the function of other organs. Among the hormones stimulate production of red blood cells, and to balance the hormones that help control blood pressure and calcium metabolism.

"To be awake kidney health, in addition to be free from high blood pressure, mengonsumsi white water in the right degree can also prevent kidney damage," he said

Although kidney disease can be caused by various factors, such as general or systemic disease, kidney disease at the local, as well as certain drugs.

"Prevention can be done to implement a healthy lifestyle, avoid the use of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, limit consumption of caffeine. Meanwhile, the treatment must be accompanied by kapatuhan take the medicine regularly as recommended doctors," he said.

Moreover, with many types of drugs antihipertensi circulating in the market, both branded and generic drugs, the public should have a better understanding about the disease that they suffered, and charming in selecting the appropriate handling. "Attention to health to be the main pillar to prevent a more severe disease," he said.

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Hypertension Drugs with Cucumber

There are several types of cucumber, among others Watang, pillar, faint, and krai. Fruit cucumber trusted oxygen-containing substance saponin (remove mucus), protein, fat, calcium, fospor, iron, sulfur, vitamin A, B1, and C. Cucumber seeds of the fruit contains a lot of vitamin E to prevent and eliminate wrinkles penuaan. Behind the fresh meat that contain a lot of water, the stored acid and vitamin C kafeat to mitigate and reduce skin irritation cumulation fluid under the skin. Cucumber often used to beautify the skin of the face. Sliced cucumber used as a face mask to refresh or refine the skin and reduce excess facial oil on the face.

Gynecology vitamine in the cucumber per 100 grams of body weight is 12 calories of energy, 0.7 g protein, 0.1 g fat, 2.7 g carbohydrate, 10 mg calcium, fospor 21 mg, 0.3 mg of iron, vitamin A 0 RE, 8.0 mg vitamin C and 0.3 mg vitamin B1. Those who suffer hypertension are advised to mengonsumsi cucumber. "It can treat hypertension because of the womb mineralnya namely potassium, magnesium, and dephosphorize. In addition cucumber a diuretic because of high water contents so that help lower blood pressure," said Meilinasari, SKM, MKes of Health Politeknik Jakarta.

Consumption cucumber can also lose weight because cucumber, the womb low calorie and rich in fiber, is able to control your body weight. Gynecology cucumber in fiber can reduce body fat content and cholesterol and give effect glut. In addition, cucumber also malonat contain acid that can prevent blood sugar turns to fat, so that it is helping to reduce body weight. Cucumber sometimes bitter taste. Bitter taste is derived from saponin, fitokimia compound that is found in mucous cucumber. Although bitter, saponin have benefits as antikanker, lower cholesterol, and increase the body's resistance.

Cucumber also useful for detoxification. Gynecology water which is very high (up to 90 percent), making cucumber have a diuretic effect (small smooth move), and to help neutralize the toxin (poison), and to help against bacteria in the gut and throughout the bladder wall. Gynecology mineral water and potassium in cucumber also remove excess acid and the remaining muscle metabolism through the kidneys.

Simply known, excessive muscle acid in the blood will form crystals that accumulate in the joint causing inflammation or disease artritis joints. While the rest of the form of salt metabolism meniral that accumulate in the urine channel will form kidney stones. Therefore, people with kidney stones and artritis advisable to eat cucumber.

According to the results of research from the Food Research Institute, Departement of Food Microbiology, University of Winconsin, Madison, cucumber contain acid linoleat terkonjugasi (Conjugated Linoleic Acids / CLA), which are antioxidants. Role antioxidants prevent cell damage resulting from free radicals cause cancer, heart disease, and reduce the level of fat in the body.

Vitamin C in the womb cucumber useful to increase the degree glutation, the amino acid are antioxidants that produced naturally by the body cells. Effect refreshing and vitamin C in the womb cucumber also sariawan help treat and reduce fever. Some of the slices can be eaten after cucumber brush teeth to freshen the mouth. Feel the breath is fresh.

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Salmon, Important for Skin

Fish than salmon, known as food for the brain, also has a property as food to keep the skin remain healthy. Salmon can treat the occurrence of wrinkles on the skin and keep the skin still looks healthy. Indeed, salmon is rich in fish is not saturated fat or omega 3 can reduce the production of particles cause inflammation in the body that can damage the skin.

If you can not eat salmon, try some other fish such as herring, fish, milk, fresh fish and others that provide the same benefits antiradang. If you are not a fish lover, you can benefit mengonsumsi supplement with Omega 3. Salmon also contains high protein, coenzim Q-10 is also rich in antioxidants and dimethylaminoetahnol (DMAE).

Basically the key to healthy skin depends on what you eat. Mengonsentrasikan not the only one on the food. Skin is the body's largest organ and can reflect all of someone's health. In addition eat salmon flesh, some of the things that needs to stay healthy so that the skin is to drink lots of water.

Water can keep the skin from dehydration and remove toxic. Usually eight glasses of water per day, good enough to keep the skin remain healthy, eat the food that the orange. Food is rich beta carotene that can help improve the skin. Meals include sweet potatoes, carrots, and mango. But remember, do not eat excessive amounts because too much will be stored in the body and less good for health.

Vitamin C can help in the formation of collagen which helps the skin remain strong. Unlike vitamin A, the body can eliminate the amount of vitamin C is abundant. Another way to get healthy and beautiful skin is a balanced mengonsumsi fat. If you eat too little fat, the skin will be dry. Avoid excessive consumption of fat, such as red meat, meat butter, and cheese.

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Beware, Mobile blunt Memory Making

Statistics recorded by Prof. Ian Robertson, neuropsikologi expert at Trinity College Dublin, the UK, as quoted, a quarter of the UK population forget her home phone number. Only a third of those who remember birthdays brother. Half of them use the same password for a number of bank accounts (accounts) that is different.

According to Robertson, the demands of the present life is forcing many people to remember. For a day-to-day life, the average of the respondents surveyed have to remember five passwords, five-digit PIN (personal identification number), three security ID numbers and three bank accounts.

To facilitate the work of respondents considering it is relying on technology such as mobile phone. Unfortunately, the rarely used, the recall will be more blunt. This is not merely theoretical. For the research also revealed that respondents aged above 50 in the growth dipacu remember rely on power, reportedly has the ability to remember things better than the respondents aged under 30 who rely on more technology to help remember.

The good news, in general, mobile phone equipped with a variety of games such as sudoku. In addition to improving the mental strain and memory, according to experts, the game is also a kind of useful to prevent Alzheimer's Disease.

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Most Imagine Coffee Making?

Try to see if there are friends or relatives who claim to see a ghost or heard something mystical smell ask whether he habitue coffee or not. According to research in the UK, people who drink too much coffee tend to be more easily experience the imagine effects .

The research team from the University of Dunham concluded, people who drank more than seven cups instant coffee a day tend to be three times easier to imagine than those who drank only one cup of coffee a day. Conclusion is taken after they survey 200 students about the habits and experiences
consumption coffee see things mystical.

"This is the first step to study the factors associated with imagine more widely," said Simon Jones, who led the study. He said that on previous research, it is known that stress, such as childhood depression, dealing with imagine.

According to James, the relationship between coffee and imagine may be associated with hormone kortisol. Halusinasi itself arises when the body produces too much hormone kortisol. Hormone produced when someone is experiencing stress. The consumption of caffeine also trigger the production of these hormones.

However, James stressed that the relationship is not the result. Even if caffeine halusinasi trigger, they may not be as much as other psychological factors. In addition, coffee is not only influence, but also tea, coffee, and beverages that contain high caffeine content. Direct research and experiments needed to measure the relationship with the caffeine effect iamgine.

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Restore Stamina With Young Coconut

In our society a growing belief that the coconut, especially coconut green, very well be drunk by mothers who are pregnant so that the process becomes easier childbirth and children who have been born a white skin and smooth.

Young coconut water is also the effect of the treatment of kidney and hipretency (high blood pressure). Apart from the true belief or not, and we have good knowledge of nutrient contents in the water and young coconut meat.

The number of grains of water per young varies, depending on the size of the fruit. In general, does not measure less than 250 grains per ml. Nutrient composition of young coconut water varies, depending on the variety of fruit and age.

In general, coconut water contains total 4.7 percent, 2.6 percent sugar, 0.55 percent protein, fat 0.74 percent, 0.46 percent and minerals. Nutrient composition of such a good cause coconut water can be used as a medium for the growth of microbes, such as Acetobacter xylinum for nata de coco production. Coconut water can also be used as the material of making various types of drinks, jelly, alcohol, dektran, vinegar and soy sauce.

The type of sugar in the coconut water is glucose, fruktosa, and sukrosa. There are several types of coconut sugar which has 3 percent of the coconut and the old 5.1 percent in young coconut water. That is the cause of young coconut water taste more sweet than the old coconut.

Amino acids that are a lot of water on the coconut is glutamat acid, arginin, leusin, lisin, prolin, acid aspartat, alanin, histidin, fenilalanin, Serin, sistin, and tirosin. Vitamins are a lot of coconut water is the vitamin C, acid nikotinat, pantotenat acid, Biotin, riboflavin, and folat acid.

Most types of minerals that are on the coconut water is potasium (potassium). Other minerals found in a number of quite a lot of calcium, magnesium, and klorida, while in the amount is very little sodium (natrium).

Drinks with the composition ratio of potassium to a high natrium, very beneficial for health, disease prevention, particularly against high blood pressure, as believed by the public for this.

The order of the vitamin in the coconut water is very close to the composition of liquid isotonik, the liquid that is in accordance with the body fluids. That is liquid at this time isotonik many sold and bought as one of the sport drinks (sports drinks).

Drink isotonik expected to replace the minerals that the body through sweat lost during exercise or activity other hard work. At the industry level, generally isotonik drink mix made with water, sugar, various mineral (electrolyte), pencita taste and coloring substances.

Coconut water seems to have great potential to be developed as a natural drink isotonik rousing cheap, especially in fast time. The extreme weather in the afternoon and that excessive physical activity in the fasting month, which will drain a lot of sweat. On the other hand, there is no liquid income at all.

This condition causes us to be very easy to get tired and sleepy. However, fasting should not be a reason for the reduced activity in the afternoon. Election as a young coconut drink fast reliable to restore the body's stamina.

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