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18 January 2009

Hypertension Drugs with Cucumber

There are several types of cucumber, among others Watang, pillar, faint, and krai. Fruit cucumber trusted oxygen-containing substance saponin (remove mucus), protein, fat, calcium, fospor, iron, sulfur, vitamin A, B1, and C. Cucumber seeds of the fruit contains a lot of vitamin E to prevent and eliminate wrinkles penuaan. Behind the fresh meat that contain a lot of water, the stored acid and vitamin C kafeat to mitigate and reduce skin irritation cumulation fluid under the skin. Cucumber often used to beautify the skin of the face. Sliced cucumber used as a face mask to refresh or refine the skin and reduce excess facial oil on the face.

Gynecology vitamine in the cucumber per 100 grams of body weight is 12 calories of energy, 0.7 g protein, 0.1 g fat, 2.7 g carbohydrate, 10 mg calcium, fospor 21 mg, 0.3 mg of iron, vitamin A 0 RE, 8.0 mg vitamin C and 0.3 mg vitamin B1. Those who suffer hypertension are advised to mengonsumsi cucumber. "It can treat hypertension because of the womb mineralnya namely potassium, magnesium, and dephosphorize. In addition cucumber a diuretic because of high water contents so that help lower blood pressure," said Meilinasari, SKM, MKes of Health Politeknik Jakarta.

Consumption cucumber can also lose weight because cucumber, the womb low calorie and rich in fiber, is able to control your body weight. Gynecology cucumber in fiber can reduce body fat content and cholesterol and give effect glut. In addition, cucumber also malonat contain acid that can prevent blood sugar turns to fat, so that it is helping to reduce body weight. Cucumber sometimes bitter taste. Bitter taste is derived from saponin, fitokimia compound that is found in mucous cucumber. Although bitter, saponin have benefits as antikanker, lower cholesterol, and increase the body's resistance.

Cucumber also useful for detoxification. Gynecology water which is very high (up to 90 percent), making cucumber have a diuretic effect (small smooth move), and to help neutralize the toxin (poison), and to help against bacteria in the gut and throughout the bladder wall. Gynecology mineral water and potassium in cucumber also remove excess acid and the remaining muscle metabolism through the kidneys.

Simply known, excessive muscle acid in the blood will form crystals that accumulate in the joint causing inflammation or disease artritis joints. While the rest of the form of salt metabolism meniral that accumulate in the urine channel will form kidney stones. Therefore, people with kidney stones and artritis advisable to eat cucumber.

According to the results of research from the Food Research Institute, Departement of Food Microbiology, University of Winconsin, Madison, cucumber contain acid linoleat terkonjugasi (Conjugated Linoleic Acids / CLA), which are antioxidants. Role antioxidants prevent cell damage resulting from free radicals cause cancer, heart disease, and reduce the level of fat in the body.

Vitamin C in the womb cucumber useful to increase the degree glutation, the amino acid are antioxidants that produced naturally by the body cells. Effect refreshing and vitamin C in the womb cucumber also sariawan help treat and reduce fever. Some of the slices can be eaten after cucumber brush teeth to freshen the mouth. Feel the breath is fresh.