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26 January 2009

Seaweed Eliminate Toxic

Seaweed is very good for the skin, so often used to maintain and smooth skin, helps the formation of new skin cells, offset mineral content in the body, and eliminate poisons in the body (detoxification).

"This is because in the seaweed containing salt minerals, protein, and zinc," said manager Wellness Center & Spa Sarinah Made Sari.

Besides, he added, seaweed also contain many vitamins A, C, B1, B12, E, PP, K, and vitamin D. Nah, catenarian vitamin can help you to activate the new skin cells, also maintain the body's metabolism to tighten skin.

According to him, seaweed is one of the material wealth of the sea that is easy to be merged into the skin so that helps the formation of skin. "In fact, seaweed is also good for your hair health lho," Sari supplement.

For women who have problems with obesity or excess body weight, the seaweed spa treatment can also be relied upon to process slim and maintain the balance of minerals in the body. You do not need to make strict diet or even just a hunger for getting a more slender body. Despite heavy shrink, your skin will still be tight.

The process of decline in body weight, such as this would better to keep your health. "With this spa seaweed, other than the body can get a slim, you can also get skin healthy also," said Mrs. Sari .

Spa seaweed process begins with the pemijatan body. "The body first massaged with a mixture of olive oil so that the body feels more casual and rileks," said Mrs. Sari.

Your body was tense, after a long time will feel more comfortable and rileks. This is because the blood circulation in the body flow more smoothly, so feel tired body feels like a moment lost. "This new massage course," augment him. Then, the body seaweed mask.

After maskernya dry, the body covered with a heating blanket. Its function is to remove poisons from the body through sweat that out. Heat has been setting the standard. "To people who are used to, generally happy with the feeling of heat.

Meanwhile, for which new or not the first time, usually 10 minutes already and does not feel too strong. But the process with the heating blanket is the same as good sauna loh, "said a therapeutist in the spa.
The process is finally berendam in a bathtub filled with warm water and sowing rose sheath.

Spa seaweed this takes 90 minutes. If you feel the rest of you less than 90 minutes, this therapy you can still enjoy the process by reducing the amount of therapy.