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18 January 2009

Restore Stamina With Young Coconut

In our society a growing belief that the coconut, especially coconut green, very well be drunk by mothers who are pregnant so that the process becomes easier childbirth and children who have been born a white skin and smooth.

Young coconut water is also the effect of the treatment of kidney and hipretency (high blood pressure). Apart from the true belief or not, and we have good knowledge of nutrient contents in the water and young coconut meat.

The number of grains of water per young varies, depending on the size of the fruit. In general, does not measure less than 250 grains per ml. Nutrient composition of young coconut water varies, depending on the variety of fruit and age.

In general, coconut water contains total 4.7 percent, 2.6 percent sugar, 0.55 percent protein, fat 0.74 percent, 0.46 percent and minerals. Nutrient composition of such a good cause coconut water can be used as a medium for the growth of microbes, such as Acetobacter xylinum for nata de coco production. Coconut water can also be used as the material of making various types of drinks, jelly, alcohol, dektran, vinegar and soy sauce.

The type of sugar in the coconut water is glucose, fruktosa, and sukrosa. There are several types of coconut sugar which has 3 percent of the coconut and the old 5.1 percent in young coconut water. That is the cause of young coconut water taste more sweet than the old coconut.

Amino acids that are a lot of water on the coconut is glutamat acid, arginin, leusin, lisin, prolin, acid aspartat, alanin, histidin, fenilalanin, Serin, sistin, and tirosin. Vitamins are a lot of coconut water is the vitamin C, acid nikotinat, pantotenat acid, Biotin, riboflavin, and folat acid.

Most types of minerals that are on the coconut water is potasium (potassium). Other minerals found in a number of quite a lot of calcium, magnesium, and klorida, while in the amount is very little sodium (natrium).

Drinks with the composition ratio of potassium to a high natrium, very beneficial for health, disease prevention, particularly against high blood pressure, as believed by the public for this.

The order of the vitamin in the coconut water is very close to the composition of liquid isotonik, the liquid that is in accordance with the body fluids. That is liquid at this time isotonik many sold and bought as one of the sport drinks (sports drinks).

Drink isotonik expected to replace the minerals that the body through sweat lost during exercise or activity other hard work. At the industry level, generally isotonik drink mix made with water, sugar, various mineral (electrolyte), pencita taste and coloring substances.

Coconut water seems to have great potential to be developed as a natural drink isotonik rousing cheap, especially in fast time. The extreme weather in the afternoon and that excessive physical activity in the fasting month, which will drain a lot of sweat. On the other hand, there is no liquid income at all.

This condition causes us to be very easy to get tired and sleepy. However, fasting should not be a reason for the reduced activity in the afternoon. Election as a young coconut drink fast reliable to restore the body's stamina.